suck suck suck fsck.btrfs, fsck.



ioriveur> switching to wheezy from squeeze,
ioriveur> I was so confused caz it wont boot.
ioriveur> it's by renaming of fsck.btrfs to btrfsck.
cjb> file a debian bug
ioriveur> while the boot, It can't find fsck.btrfs, and so not boot.
ioriveur> yes, I will.
ioriveur> now, this ugly hack enable to boot:
ioriveur> cp /sbin/btrfsck /sbin/fsck.btrfs
ioriveur> but it says "can't find -a" or something like that.
darksatanic> Probably better, given what btrfsck does right now, to do ln -s /bin/true /sbin/fsck.btrfs
ioriveur> Where is the config file about fsck-ing in the boot stage?
darksatanic> /etc/fstab -- last column, change to 0
ioriveur> Oh, yes, but it won't fsck, will it?
darksatanic> Yes, but btrfsck doesn't do anything.
ioriveur> Really?
darksatanic> Yes.
darksatanic> It's read-only. It _can't_ fix anything...
darksatanic> All it can do is check consistency, and even then it's more likely to break than the kernel code.
ioriveur> so, what make it renamed fsck.btrfs to btrfsck?
darksatanic> (i.e. there are filesystems that fsck will segfault on that the kernel will mount happily).
cjb> ioriveur: something debian did
darksatanic> We ship btrfsck.
darksatanic> Debian have set it up as fsck.btrfs as well.
ioriveur> Oh, yes?
darksatanic> You'll probably find it's a hardlink.
ioriveur> well, in /sbin? My machine and I couldn't so I was in trouble.
cjb> darksatanic: or they had, before wheezy
ioriveur> Yes, that seems to be truth, I found it when it was squeeze.
ioriveur> So, I should reportbug? It is spam of question..... :-(
cjb> you should see whether someone else has reported it, and report it if they haven't
cjb> #debian is probably more ontopic for that
ioriveur> OK! Thanks, I'll move.

つーことで、btrfsをルートファイルシステムとして使ってる奇特な人間で、fsck.btrfsが見えなくなって困ったらfstabをいじってfsckフラグを0にするとか、ln -s /bin/true /sbin/fsck.btrfsするとか、そういうHackで切り抜ければいいらしいです。